Arnapou Simple site


This is the recommended way if you don't want to bother.

Useful links:


This solution is halfway between a static website and a dynamic website.

With a simple PHP file simplesite.phar and an index.php which initialize the website, you will have a fully functional website :

include '/path/to/simplesite.phar';

    // mandatory
    path_public: '/public/root/folder/of/website', // probably __DIR__
    path_pages:  '/private/folder/for/pages',
    path_cache:  '/private/folder/for/caching',

    // ... there are other optional parameters
    // ... you can check their description into the index.php of this demo

The idea is to create a "static" website composed of Twig files. This allows you to enrich, simplify and reuse HTML code that is static inside twig html files.

We can make a comparison with static site generators, but here, you can enrich the website with php.

PHP dependencies are reduced to the essentials to obtain the smallest possible PHAR file.
The phar size is 500 KB.


Have the right PHP version for simplesite.phar concerned.

To take advantage of the maximum features, you will need to know:
